Thursday 28 October 2010

I hope I'm not a Vidiot!

Another article from Costikyan this week, discussing the importance of games designers drawing innovation from non electrical games, as to widen their creativity.

Vidiot - Someone who's sole understanding of video games comes from them alone.

Basing your whole knowledge of games on video games severely limits a games designers imagination, and the resources for the games designer to draw upon for inspiration and problem solving will be restricted.
A key part of playing boardgames is the communication and debate that it creates between the players, the interaction between players is one of the main reasons that people choose to play boardgames rather than video games. It is important that as games designers, we try to incorporate this interaction into our designs to make a more enjoyable and interactive experience.
Tabletop games promote a business model of 'sell the parts and pieces of the game' rather than the game itself, this is also something that games designers need to look at, as tabletop games tend to offer expansions and a wide variety of choices for the player, video games only offer the player one choice and expansions to video games are only now becoming more mainstream.
RTS games have a lot that games designers should draw on for inspiration, rather than the player purely interacting with what's in front of their eyes, the conflict and struggle within the game tends to be a larger focus for the player than actually playing it.
Sci-fi and fantasy boardgames have a habit of being a too complex branch of wargaming, this is an important lesson for games designers to learn, try not to over-complicate games but still try to make them as in depth as fantasy boardgames are.

People don't understand that boardgames can be relative to video game design and can learn from what does and doesn't work in them.
People restrict their ideas to what they play - creates similar games, this leads to a stale games market and dissatisfied players.
It is a current trend that innovation is led by technology rather than creativity in today's game design.

1 comment:

  1. another enjoyable summary matt, the article points to a wealth of resources we can draw on to think about putting interesting mechanics into our games.

