Thursday 17 February 2011

Kill the Rabbit!

For the flash game assessment that I was set, I originally planned on making a tower defense game about Vikings pillaging a Church. At first I loved this idea and was quick to make all the artwork so I could begin coding the game. However, I soon realised just how complicated a tower defense game can be and so decided to come up with a new idea, plus most people were planning on making a tower defense game.

After a bit of thought I decided to make a shooter, I quickly came up with the idea of an old man sitting on a park bench who begins to lose his sanity and the only way to get it back is to kill rabbits. It's a bit of a random storyline but the coding is quite simple so I should actually be able to make the game work and who doesn't like shooting rabbits.

I've added 'Satanic cowboy' by Dog Fashion Disco as the background music because it's kind of crazy and when you shoot a rabbit it has the notorious Wilhelm scream. Enjoy!


  1. And a classic goldeneye gunshot sound found by yours truely ;)

  2. I still cant believe you think killing rabbits is ok, but kittens is not!

  3. i might enjoy killing rabbits...if you post a link

