Sunday 30 January 2011

Group Project

Key Stage 1 Group Project

One of the assignments on the course is a group project where we have to work as a team to make a Key Stage 1 educational game. The game that me and my team are working on is called ‘Al and Annie’s History Mystery’ and is a puzzle solving game set inside a haunted house. The player must solve all the puzzles in each room to progress through the house to the end level where a ghost will ask them some questions and once the ghost is defeated the player escapes the house.

Our team consists of five members, Joe is our main coder, Ryan is the sound guy (plus backup coding), Scott is the main tester (plus backup coder) and me and Phil are the artists. We are both the concept artists and the digital artists.

I am really enjoying my role in the team and can’t wait to see the finished game, but as that’s still going to be a while I thought I’d share with you some of my work on the game so far.

 These are the two characters that the player can play as, Al and Annie.

This is the first level, minus the puzzles, it’s a simple design that just rolls from right to left as the player completes the puzzles and heads up the stairs to the next level.

   This is the statue of Anubis that I drew for the first level.

 And finally, between the start menu and the first level we decided to make a cutscene depicting how the characters got into this situation in the first place, I can't take full credit for the cutscene as Phil did parts of it and Joe was the one that put it in the game.